Lines of Thoughts

A LoT on insights, inspirations, or projects.

After Seven Years

A thought on using OpenSUSE, coming from Arch Linux

I have been on Arch Linux for the entire current decade. I’ve heard nay saying on stability for rolling release distributions, yet for me, Arch’s installations have been so remarkably stable, they would end up becoming boring.

You would only worry of having the original deployment and configuration on Arch. If you had a good provision, the issues you would inherit come from either your own negligence, or experimentation gone wrong. You don’t have to worry about how to run cross versioned packages, since you would normally have a one track (latest release) of said package. And even with version dependent software, you don’t have to worry about them due to the wonders of the AUR, the community, and how package breakage version updates are handled as a whole. Forget about tools magically stop working. Vanilla packages of software tend...

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